14 May 2023

The One

Anyango Story—
Your birth overcame the odds.
Any other couple may have turned back

After two rounds of egg extraction
Not yielding more than five possibilities.
Your egg became the only option.
Any other couple may have turned back.
Number of eggs: one.
God smiled down on us;
One egg was enough.

So here you are,
Tenacious one.
One egg conceived when it seemed impossible.
Rejoice in your life, little one;
You are the reason we didn’t turn back.

—29 Apr 23

04 May 2023

A Moment for Life

We’re only holding on.

I struggle between
Grace {my soul} nearly dismembered
Shivering from drugs and shock
Needing someone else’s blood to try to stop the machines from
Maya {her name is Maya} barely knowing
Crying from a brutal separation
Needing someone else’s touch to try to stop the hunger—

So much suffering for such a happy occasion.

And we call this the miracle of life.
We call this the special joy and
The blessing.
Congratulations, it’s anxiety!
Best wishes.
Go home.
We need this bed now.

The line that separates life and death is almost non-existent.

-14 Apr 23