She was called the Tie-Dye Queen, and
She was the one who put two I's in
She said nappies instead of diapers
(and when
She said diapers she used three
syllables) and
She got beet-red when we said bloody,
as in bloody this and bloody that.
She lived in a house on a lot next to
the church
She attended with us who loved the way
She read the scriptures and made
She sang in the choir and brought her
She led the church ladies in crafting
kits for kids, and
She compelled us to turn in our blunt
She was called the Tie-Dye Queen
She tie-dyed anything the dye would
take to.
She tie-dyed tablecloths and
She tie-dyed clothing pieces and
pastors. In this way,
She coloured her world. You could say
(and should say)
She coloured her world with much more
than mere dye.
She brought humour and wit and grace as
She brought life to our church and
She was a bringer of life and the
She will be missed. Lord, will
She be missed! as we continue in this
She made so much brighter by her
presence. Indeed,
She will be missed and remembered,
She carries on in heaven now, and it
should not surprise us if
She tie-dyes the very clouds to red
green blue yellow orange purple and all
the colours in between.
the colours in between.
She was, after all, the Tie-Dye Queen.